Udacity - VR Developer nd017 v2.0.0

  • Seeders:4
  • Leechers:51
  • Completed:107
  • File size:0.04 MB
  • Date:2020-08-17


  • Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_The HorizonmediaHololens.png(79 B)
  • Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 02_Creating Scripts07. What Is Time DeltaTime-o3aVyfc6vlg.pt-BR.vtt(191 B)
  • Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 02_Game Objects06. How do you create a cube in Unity-5QO-QhNFI68.zh-CN.vtt(193 B)
  • Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 02_Game Objects06. How do you create a cube in Unity-5QO-QhNFI68.en.vtt(194 B)
  • Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Hello World05. Why Use a Game Engine-hr9BMP1kAV0.zh-CN.vtt(198 B)
  • Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Hello World05. Why Use a Game Engine-hr9BMP1kAV0.pt-BR.vtt(199 B)
  • Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 02_Game Objects14. How Are Transformations Performed Internally-2XYBYEw7kiM.zh-CN.vtt(202 B)
  • Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 02_Creating Scripts03. What Are Methods-cR8wdo3Z71E.zh-CN.vtt(207 B)
  • Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 02_Creating Scripts03. What Are Methods-cR8wdo3Z71E.pt-BR.vtt(209 B)
  • Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 02_Creating Scripts07. What Is Time DeltaTime-o3aVyfc6vlg.zh-CN.vtt(211 B)
  • Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Hello World05. Why Use a Game Engine-hr9BMP1kAV0.en.vtt(219 B)
  • Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 02_Game Objects06. How do you create a cube in Unity-5QO-QhNFI68.pt-BR.vtt(227 B)
  • Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 02_Creating Scripts03. What Are Methods-cR8wdo3Z71E.en.vtt(231 B)
  • Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 02_Game Objects09. How do you create models in Unity-A3laq6x981Y.pt-BR.vtt(239 B)
  • Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 03_Controlling Objects Using Code09. Identify the Correct For Loop-k5WipW62lqo.pt-BR.vtt(245 B)
  • Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 03_Controlling Objects Using Code09. Identify the Correct For Loop-k5WipW62lqo.zh-CN.vtt(245 B)
  • Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 02_Game Objects09. How do you create models in Unity-A3laq6x981Y.zh-CN.vtt(246 B)
  • Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 02_Creating Scripts07. What Is Time DeltaTime-o3aVyfc6vlg.en.vtt(250 B)
  • Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 02_Game Objects09. How do you create models in Unity-A3laq6x981Y.en.vtt(253 B)
  • Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 04_Graphical User Interfaces10. Document-OxpUJGm-otY.zh-CN.vtt(265 B)
  • Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 03_Controlling Objects Using Code09. Identify the Correct For Loop-k5WipW62lqo.en.vtt(265 B)
  • Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 05_Cameras11. Which Sensors Are Used for Head Tracking-6FNdZnKKuw0.zh-CN.vtt(292 B)
  • Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 04_Graphical User Interfaces10. Document-OxpUJGm-otY.en.vtt(292 B)
  • Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 04_Graphical User Interfaces10. Document-OxpUJGm-otY.pt-BR.vtt(305 B)
  • Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 03_Materials03. What Are Materials in Unity-8Rs5B2yZY2M.zh-CN.vtt(307 B)
  • Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 03_Materials03. What Are Materials in Unity-8Rs5B2yZY2M.en.vtt(311 B)
  • Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 02_Game Objects14. How Are Transformations Performed Internally-2XYBYEw7kiM.en.vtt(318 B)
  • Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 02_Game Objects04. What Are primitives-l14J8I9gkAg.en.vtt(324 B)
  • Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 05_Cameras11. Which Sensors Are Used for Head Tracking-6FNdZnKKuw0.en.vtt(336 B)
  • Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 02_Game Objects04. What Are primitives-l14J8I9gkAg.zh-CN.vtt(352 B)
  • Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 02_What Is VR09. What Do You Think Is Next for the VR Industry-1NCDcE9YGNk.zh-CN.vtt(355 B)
  • Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 02_Game Objects14. How Are Transformations Performed Internally-2XYBYEw7kiM.pt-BR.vtt(356 B)
  • Part 12-Module 02-Lesson 01_GitHub Review05. Identify fixes for example “bad” profile-AF07y1oAim0.zh-CN.vtt(357 B)
  • Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 02_Game Objects04. What Are primitives-l14J8I9gkAg.pt-BR.vtt(364 B)
  • Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 04_Animations10. Animations Conclusion-vm0uhAaKx04.zh-CN.vtt(368 B)
  • Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 03_Materials03. What Are Materials in Unity-8Rs5B2yZY2M.pt-BR.vtt(370 B)
  • Part 12-Module 02-Lesson 01_GitHub Review05. Identify fixes for example “bad” profile-AF07y1oAim0.en.vtt(371 B)
  • Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 04_Animations10. Animations Conclusion-vm0uhAaKx04.en.vtt(375 B)
  • Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 02_What Is VR09. What Do You Think Is Next for the VR Industry-1NCDcE9YGNk.pt-BR.vtt(376 B)
  • Part 12-Module 02-Lesson 01_GitHub Review15. Starring interesting repositories-U3FUxkm1MxI.zh-CN.vtt(392 B)
  • Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 05_Cameras11. Which Sensors Are Used for Head Tracking-6FNdZnKKuw0.pt-BR.vtt(392 B)
  • Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 05_Programming Animations03. What Is Lerp vs Slerp-pAsG5jAwbuY.pt-BR.vtt(393 B)
  • Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 04_Animations10. Animations Conclusion-vm0uhAaKx04.pt-BR.vtt(393 B)
  • Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 02_What Is VR09. What Do You Think Is Next for the VR Industry-1NCDcE9YGNk.en.vtt(397 B)
  • Part 12-Module 02-Lesson 01_GitHub Review07. Quick Fixes #2-It6AEuSDQw0.zh-CN.vtt(410 B)
  • Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Hello World11. Sit Back and Enjoy-LsObFxC-SCo.pt-BR.vtt(418 B)
  • Part 12-Module 02-Lesson 01_GitHub Review15. Starring interesting repositories-U3FUxkm1MxI.en.vtt(419 B)
  • Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 03_Materials06. Who Invented Texture Mapping-PcuDJFKNEvk.zh-CN.vtt(427 B)
  • Part 12-Module 02-Lesson 01_GitHub Review07. Quick Fixes #2-It6AEuSDQw0.en.vtt(435 B)
  • Part 12-Module 02-Lesson 01_GitHub Review12. Participating in open source projects-OxL-gMTizUA.zh-CN.vtt(438 B)
  • Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 02_Creating Scripts05. What Does Translate Do-LKQHIipDwxY.pt-BR.vtt(439 B)
  • Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 03_Materials10. Models Recap-skUXxAA-5d4.en.vtt(440 B)
  • Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 03_Materials06. Who Invented Texture Mapping-PcuDJFKNEvk.en.vtt(450 B)
  • Part 12-Module 02-Lesson 01_GitHub Review07. Quick Fixes #2-It6AEuSDQw0.pt-BR.vtt(453 B)
  • README.txt(454 B)
  • Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 02_Creating Scripts05. What Does Translate Do-LKQHIipDwxY.zh-CN.vtt(455 B)
  • Part 12-Module 02-Lesson 01_GitHub Review05. Identify fixes for example “bad” profile-AF07y1oAim0.pt-BR.vtt(457 B)
  • Part 12-Module 02-Lesson 01_GitHub Review15. Starring interesting repositories-U3FUxkm1MxI.pt-BR.vtt(460 B)
  • Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 05_Programming Animations03. What Is Lerp vs Slerp-pAsG5jAwbuY.zh-CN.vtt(461 B)
  • Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 03_Materials10. Models Recap-skUXxAA-5d4.zh-CN.vtt(466 B)
  • Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Hello World11. Sit Back and Enjoy-LsObFxC-SCo.zh-CN.vtt(468 B)
  • Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 03_Materials10. Models Recap-skUXxAA-5d4.pt-BR.vtt(468 B)
  • Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 02_What Is VR05. Why Do VR Displays Use Low Persistence-NTSHzPYAQwM.zh-CN.vtt(469 B)
  • Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 04_Animations03. Why Don't We Have to Keyframe Everything-ceK0jrMEceU.zh-CN.vtt(473 B)
  • Part 12-Module 02-Lesson 01_GitHub Review11. Reflect on your commit messages-_0AHmKkfjTo.zh-CN.vtt(473 B)
  • Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 03_Materials06. Who Invented Texture Mapping-PcuDJFKNEvk.pt-BR.vtt(476 B)
  • Part 12-Module 02-Lesson 01_GitHub Review12. Participating in open source projects-OxL-gMTizUA.en.vtt(476 B)
  • Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 02_What Is VR03. Why Do VR Headsets Have Lenses-gvxjKXIDHAY.zh-CN.vtt(481 B)
  • Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 05_Cameras07. Measuring Our LSD-E3SBU9b4IKQ.zh-CN.vtt(484 B)
  • Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Hello World11. Sit Back and Enjoy-LsObFxC-SCo.en.vtt(486 B)
  • Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 02_Creating Scripts05. What Does Translate Do-LKQHIipDwxY.en.vtt(487 B)
  • Part 12-Module 02-Lesson 01_GitHub Review05. Identify fixes for example “bad” profile-AF07y1oAim0.ar.vtt(490 B)
  • Part 12-Module 02-Lesson 01_GitHub Review11. Reflect on your commit messages-_0AHmKkfjTo.en.vtt(501 B)
  • Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 05_Programming Animations03. What Is Lerp vs Slerp-pAsG5jAwbuY.en.vtt(505 B)
  • Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 05_Programming Animations06. Choose That Variable!-RZ9xjVmA49g.pt-BR.vtt(506 B)
  • Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 02_What Is VR05. Why Do VR Displays Use Low Persistence-NTSHzPYAQwM.pt-BR.vtt(508 B)
  • Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 02_What Is VR05. Why Do VR Displays Use Low Persistence-NTSHzPYAQwM.en.vtt(514 B)
  • Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 04_Animations03. Why Don't We Have to Keyframe Everything-ceK0jrMEceU.en.vtt(515 B)
  • Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 05_Cameras07. Measuring Our LSD-E3SBU9b4IKQ.en.vtt(518 B)
  • Part 09-Module 02-Lesson 02_Advanced Lighting01. Nd017 C08B L2 A01 L Intro V3-HOKi4H-1sQo.zh-CN.vtt(519 B)
  • Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 03_Controlling Objects Using Code07. What Are Quaternions-Pr4oBXdyUk8.zh-CN.vtt(532 B)
  • Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 05_Cameras13. Cameras Recap-bsRPRhM3pdA.pt-BR.vtt(536 B)
  • Part 12-Module 02-Lesson 01_GitHub Review11. Reflect on your commit messages-_0AHmKkfjTo.pt-BR.vtt(538 B)
  • Part 12-Module 02-Lesson 01_GitHub Review15. Starring interesting repositories-U3FUxkm1MxI.ar.vtt(542 B)
  • Part 12-Module 02-Lesson 01_GitHub Review12. Participating in open source projects-OxL-gMTizUA.pt-BR.vtt(551 B)
  • Part 14-Module 01-Lesson 05_Interview Practice01. VR Interview-D3T5XPHgMk4.zh-CN.vtt(552 B)
  • Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 05_Cameras13. Cameras Recap-bsRPRhM3pdA.zh-CN.vtt(552 B)
  • Part 09-Module 02-Lesson 02_Advanced Lighting01. Nd017 C08B L2 A01 L Intro V3-HOKi4H-1sQo.en.vtt(553 B)
  • Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 05_Cameras07. Measuring Our LSD-E3SBU9b4IKQ.pt-BR.vtt(553 B)
  • Part 09-Module 01-Lesson 03_Cross-Platform Development06. 05 L Congrats And Next Steps-z318q4U3ANk.zh-CN.vtt(554 B)
  • Part 12-Module 02-Lesson 01_GitHub Review15. Starring interesting repositories-ZwMY5rAAd7Q.zh-CN.vtt(556 B)
  • Part 14-Module 01-Lesson 05_Interview Practice01. VR Interview-D3T5XPHgMk4.pt-BR.vtt(557 B)
  • Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 02_What Is VR03. Why Do VR Headsets Have Lenses-gvxjKXIDHAY.pt-BR.vtt(566 B)
  • Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 02_What Is VR03. Why Do VR Headsets Have Lenses-gvxjKXIDHAY.en.vtt(573 B)
  • Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 03_Controlling Objects Using Code07. What Are Quaternions-Pr4oBXdyUk8.pt-BR.vtt(578 B)
  • Part 14-Module 01-Lesson 05_Interview Practice01. VR Interview-D3T5XPHgMk4.en.vtt(581 B)
  • Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_The Horizon03. The AR Headsets of the Future-wxzNhP-Dh-M.zh-CN.vtt(593 B)
  • Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 05_Cameras13. Cameras Recap-bsRPRhM3pdA.en.vtt(593 B)
  • Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Hello World07. Udacity Carnival Project Demonstration-EaELkVMU23Q.pt-BR.vtt(604 B)
  • Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Platforms & Specializations03. High End Mobile VR - The GearVR-9uy3OHdH2y4.zh-CN.vtt(604 B)
