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Digital Tutors - Bringing Photographs to Life with 3D Layering in After Effects
File size:
3.32 GB
(1.34 GB)
5. Creating a character using parts of multiple characters.flv
(127.6 MB)
30. Adding punctuating sounds for our scene.flv
(112.22 MB)
28. Adding lens effect to the shot to add realism.flv
(103.94 MB)
10. Positioning the trees in Z-Space.flv
(102.7 MB)
11. Placing the people and setting keyframes for their movements.flv
(100.09 MB)
3. Placing the trees on their own layers and erasing the backgrounds.flv
(99.56 MB)
17. Making dynamic fog using an image and Particular.flv
(93.64 MB)
14. Adding a lens flare to mimic a light source.flv
(91.44 MB)
15. Using the bird video.flv
(83.35 MB)
2. Isolating the ground in Photoshop.flv
(82.51 MB)
24. Creating the transition from our cards comp to the forest comp.flv
(82.15 MB)
16. Creating dust particles with Particular.flv
(80.43 MB)
22. Animating the card's positions.flv
(77.38 MB)
23. Refining the card animation.flv
(74.54 MB)
4. Masking the area around the figures and placing them on individual layers.flv
(73.15 MB)
29. Designing the ambient sound for our scene.flv
(72.91 MB)
21. Placing the cards in the scene.flv
(67.77 MB)
6. Preparing the images and border for the cards.flv
(59.51 MB)
13. Refining the Camera movement.flv
(59.1 MB)
9. Adding a Camera and Null Object.flv
(58.69 MB)
26. Adding dust particles to the card comp.flv
(50.21 MB)
8. Placing the ground layers and sky.flv
(46.61 MB)
12. Animating the man's face using Liquify.flv
(45.52 MB)
18. Changing the mood of the scene with an adjustment layer and adding a vignette.flv
(40.37 MB)
27. Creating a PNG sequence.flv
(36.05 MB)
19. Creating a new composition for the cards.flv
(32.98 MB)
20. Setting up two lights for the card composition.flv
(31.47 MB)
25. Changing the color of the main card using the Tritone effect.flv
(20.28 MB)
7. Setting up the After Effects project and importing the assets.flv
(19.11 MB)
1. Introduction and project overview.flv
(10.16 MB)
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ProfileSchool - Моушн-дизайн в Adobe After Effects