100 Most Viewed Ted Talks (Converted)

  • Seeders:6
  • Leechers:32
  • Completed:52
  • File size:6.52 GB
  • Date:2020-07-25


  • 39 Philip Zimbardo shows how people become monsters ... or heroes.mp4(181.26 MB)
  • 36 Helen Fisher tells us why we love + cheat.mp4(178.51 MB)
  • 31 Jamie Oliver's TED Prize wish_ Teach every child about food.mp4(171.40 MB)
  • 35 Tony Robbins asks why we do what we do.mp4(170.73 MB)
  • 11 Amy Cuddy_ Your body language shapes who you are.mp4(170.37 MB)
  • 14 Dan Gilbert asks Why are we happy_.mp4(166.71 MB)
  • 32 Jane McGonigal_ Gaming can make a better world.mp4(156.64 MB)
  • 45 Brené Brown_ Listening to shame.mp4(156.16 MB)
  • 12 Hans Rosling shows the best stats you've ever seen.mp4(155.54 MB)
  • 19 Keith Barry does brain magic.mp4(155.52 MB)
  • 27 Barry Schwartz on the paradox of choice.mp4(154.12 MB)
  • 21 Chimamanda Adichie_ The danger of a single story.mp4(147.07 MB)
  • 17 Bunker Roy_ Learning from a barefoot movement.mp4(146.80 MB)
  • 10 Dan Pink on the surprising science of motivation.mp4(146.18 MB)
  • 01 Sir Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity.mp4(145.14 MB)
  • 37 Sarah Kay_ If I should have a daughter ....mp4(144.16 MB)
  • 02 Jill Bolte Taylor's stroke of insight.mp4(143.52 MB)
  • 22 Sir Ken Robinson_ Bring on the learning revolution!.mp4(140.12 MB)
  • 13 Elizabeth Gilbert_ Your elusive creative genius.mp4(139.55 MB)
  • 41 Salman Khan_ Let's use video to reinvent education.mp4(138.13 MB)
  • 38 Malcolm Gladwell on spaghetti sauce.mp4(137.35 MB)
  • 06 Brené Brown_ The power of vulnerability.mp4(130.16 MB)
  • 25 Mary Roach_ 10 things you didn't know about orgasm.mp4(130.14 MB)
  • 03 Simon Sinek_ How great leaders inspire action.mp4(129.78 MB)
  • 46 Pamela Meyer_ How to spot a liar.mp4(127.68 MB)
  • 24 Benjamin Zander on music and passion.mp4(126.89 MB)
  • 15 Arthur Benjamin does _Mathemagic_.mp4(123.85 MB)
  • 16 Susan Cain_ The power of introverts.mp4(123.64 MB)
  • 04 Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address.mp4(119.41 MB)
  • 40 Sheryl Sandberg_ Why we have too few women leaders.mp4(119.01 MB)
  • 48 Clay Shirky_ Why SOPA is a bad idea.mp4(108.78 MB)
  • 05 Pranav Mistry_ The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology.mp4(108.56 MB)
  • 50 Amanda Palmer_ The art of asking.mp4(107.19 MB)
  • 47 Isabel Allende tells tales of passion.mp4(96.88 MB)
  • 18 Shawn Achor_ The happy secret to better work.mp4(94.45 MB)
  • 43 Jeff Han demos his breakthrough touchscreen.mp4(69.24 MB)
  • 08 Pattie Maes and Pranav Mistry demo SixthSense.mp4(68.44 MB)
  • 42 Adora Svitak_ What adults can learn from kids.mp4(64.32 MB)
  • 49 Alexander Tsiaras_ Conception to birth -- visualized.mp4(63.41 MB)
  • 29 Blaise Aguera y Arcas demos Photosynth.mp4(56.60 MB)
  • 51 Markus Fischer_ A robot that flies like a bird.mp4(49.66 MB)
  • 28 Johnny Lee demos Wii Remote hacks.mp4(43.92 MB)
  • 07 David Gallo shows underwater astonishments.mp4(42.23 MB)
  • 30 Marco Tempest_ The magic of truth and lies (and iPods).mp4(41.33 MB)
  • 52 Gary Kovacs_ Tracking the trackers.mp4(39.04 MB)
  • 34 Jay Walker on the world's English mania.mp4(35.64 MB)
  • 26 Ric Elias_ 3 things I learned while my plane crashed.mp4(32.33 MB)
  • 20 Richard St. John's 8 secrets of success.mp4(27.18 MB)
  • 44 Taylor Wilson_ Yup I built a nuclear fusion reactor.mp4(25.20 MB)
  • 33 Derek Sivers_ How to start a movement.mp4(24.73 MB)
  • 99 Jonathan Haidt on the moral roots of liberals and conservatives.mp4(24.41 MB)
  • 92 Larry Smith_ Why you will fail to have a great career.mp4(24.23 MB)
  • 91 Neil Pasricha_ The 3 A's of awesome.mp4(23.88 MB)
  • 69 John Wooden on true success.mp4(23.71 MB)
  • 90 Rory Sutherland_ Life lessons from an ad man.mp4(23.71 MB)
  • 68 Matthieu Ricard on the habits of happiness.mp4(23.70 MB)
  • 76 Jane McGonigal_ The game that can give you 10 extra years of life.mp4(23.68 MB)
  • 100 Beau Lotto_ Optical illusions show how we see.mp4(23.68 MB)
  • 94 Charlie Todd_ The shared experience of absurdity.mp4(23.68 MB)
  • 82 Kevin Slavin_ How algorithms shape our world.mp4(23.67 MB)
  • 63 Derek Sivers_ Keep your goals to yourself.mp4(23.67 MB)
  • 97 Sir Ken Robinson - Changing Education Paradigms (RSA Animate).mp4(23.67 MB)
  • 95 Al Gore_ Averting the climate crisis.mp4(23.65 MB)
  • 66 Alain de Botton_ A kinder gentler philosophy of success.mp4(23.64 MB)
  • 71 Brian Greene on string theory.mp4(23.63 MB)
  • 56 Matt Ridley_ When ideas have sex.mp4(23.61 MB)
  • 54 Jane Fonda_ Life's third act.mp4(23.59 MB)
  • 77 Michael Shermer on strange beliefs.mp4(23.59 MB)
  • 84 Temple Grandin_ The world needs all kinds of minds.mp4(23.57 MB)
  • 61 Hans Rosling's new insights on poverty.mp4(23.56 MB)
  • 86 Oliver Sacks_ What hallucination reveals about our minds.mp4(23.54 MB)
  • 88 Esther Perel_ The secret to desire in a long-term relationship.mp4(23.52 MB)
  • 98 Nigel Marsh_ How to make work-life balance work.mp4(23.40 MB)
  • 83 Terry Moore_ How to tie your shoes.mp4(23.37 MB)
  • 62 VS Ramachandran_ 3 clues to understanding your brain.mp4(23.33 MB)
  • 57 Theo Jansen creates new creatures.mp4(23.26 MB)
  • 58 Candy Chang_ Before I die I want to....mp4(23.18 MB)
  • 70 Louie Schwartzberg_ Nature. Beauty. Gratitude..mp4(23.17 MB)
  • 79 Richard Wilkinson_ How economic inequality harms societies.mp4(23.12 MB)
  • 23 Matt Cutts_ Try something new for 30 days.mp4(22.58 MB)
  • 74 Gever Tulley 5 dangerous things you should let your kids do.mp4(22.57 MB)
  • 72 Joshua Klein on the intelligence of crows.mp4(22.39 MB)
  • 93 Julian Treasure_ 5 ways to listen better.mp4(21.98 MB)
  • 80 David Blaine_ How I held my breath for 17 min.mp4(21.37 MB)
  • 96 Paul Stamets on 6 ways mushrooms can save the world.mp4(21.36 MB)
  • 78 Dan Pallotta_ The way we think about charity is dead wrong.mp4(21.05 MB)
  • 55 William Li_ Can we eat to starve cancer_.mp4(20.96 MB)
  • 64 Cameron Russell_ Looks aren't everything. Believe me I'm a model..mp4(20.76 MB)
  • 81 Jennifer Pahlka_ Coding a better government.mp4(20.38 MB)
  • 67 Richard Dawkins on militant atheism.mp4(20.21 MB)
  • 60 Dan Ariely asks Are we in control of our own decisions_.mp4(20.04 MB)
  • 53 Eli Pariser_ Beware online _filter bubbles_.mp4(20.04 MB)
  • 09 Bobby McFerrin Demonstrates the Power of the Pentatonic Scale.mp4(19.94 MB)
  • 85 Seth Godin on standing out.mp4(19.52 MB)
  • 73 Graham Hill_ Less stuff more happiness.mp4(19.17 MB)
  • 75 Deb Roy_ The birth of a word.mp4(18.85 MB)
  • 89 Juan Enriquez shares mindboggling science.mp4(18.70 MB)
  • 87 Sherry Turkle_ Connected but alone_.mp4(18.62 MB)
  • 65 Jason Fried_ Why work doesn't happen at work.mp4(16.01 MB)
  • 59 Vijay Kumar_ Robots that fly ... and cooperate.mp4(14.96 MB)
